Messy and Confusing but Enjoyable Quarter

Noah Tesfaye
3 min readDec 11, 2022

It’s time for some good old reflections.

I think that I have spent the better part of the last few days, especially since coming home for bits of winter break, thinking a lot about the ambitions I set out for myself back in September. There are so many damn intangibles that force you to contemplate more about what you can and cannot manage your time for. Reducing it down to a binary around making the right or wrong choice in a particular moment feels a bit limiting. The last quarter really has pushed me to reconsider many facets of how I approach life, both from a relationship perspective and also from a perspective around how to balance commitments I care about deeply. Now, I want to give myself some time for some critical self-reflection.

In terms of reading habits, yes I did get a chance to read a good bit more than I had in the months prior to school starting back up. I think that in part the independent study courses I’ve been working through have been helpful in that respect. Now, does that mean I feel like I read as much as I wanted? No, but I don’t think my expectations in that fashion have ever been completely reasonable. I have had reading in some respects be a part of my daily practice, whether it was to check out a new journal publication, or maybe it was to read a Hood Communist article. Either way, what I did find particularly…



Noah Tesfaye

Just someone trying to share my story and find who I am, one post at a time