So That was Some Year…

Noah Tesfaye
3 min readJun 6, 2021

I don’t think my brain was scrambled this year, but I definitely feel like it was cooked over easy (okay that was lame but that’s fine).

It’s frankly a little jarring to know and think about the fact that I’m halfway done with being an undergrad student. There’s something to be said for having made it through half of what culturally keeps being mentioned as the “best years of your life” when you both a) find that kind of absurd, but also b) recognize that over 1/4th of those years was spent on Zoom. Even if I never really believed that college was going to be the best part of my life (the goal in HS and still today is to peak in my 60s), I still came into college with some sort of vision for how college was going to magically transform everything about the way I lived my life.

I’m sitting back at home in the Bay, around 36 hours removed from having submitted my last final as a second-year, and I’m still too exhausted to allow myself to reflect on everything that’s happened in the last year. The reading period we all had grown accustomed to was gone, the quarters got shortened by a week, and I was stuck with completely remote classes for a year. But given the circumstances of the last year, it feels as though the cruelty of university policies stands as merely the cherry to top off the…



Noah Tesfaye

Just someone trying to share my story and find who I am, one post at a time